A mobile agent routing algorithm (MARA) is presented in this paper, and then based on the dual-channel communication model,\r\nthe two-layer network combination optimization strategy is also proposed. Since this strategy deals with the collision between\r\npackets and themulticast suppression in channel competitive process well, the blocking probability of network and the error rate of\r\npacket transmission can be cut down by utilizing this strategy. Furthermore, a restore rule for the failure optimal route is presented\r\ntoo. By using this rule, the optimal route can restore quickly in the local of fail nodes and most of the information of original\r\noptimal route can be reserved. Compared with other existing algorithms like ant colony optimization-based dynamic energyefficient\r\nmobile agent routing algorithm (ADEEMA) and mobile agent-based wireless sensor network (MAWSN), simulation\r\nresults show that MARA performs better in improving the success rate of packet transmission and cutting down the delay of\r\ncommunication. The success rate of packet transmission is improved 15%. Simultaneously, this algorithm can keep the ant agents\r\naway from the nodes with less residual energy in searching for the optimal route. This way can make the energy of each nodes on\r\nthe optimal route overall decline and hence improve the lifetime of network.